2025: Czech Art Photo "Reportage and documentary in Czechoslovak photography" Municipal Theater Zlín
Exhibitions 2024
- 10/11 - 9/12 Czech Art Photo "WOMEN", Fanta’s building, Prague Main Station link
- 26/10 - 27/10 "Open ART Fest 2024" - Křižík's pavilions, Prague Exhibition Center Holešovice, Prague link link
- 1/8 - 31/8 "Reportage and Document", Photo Gallery of the event, Staré Město u Uherského Hradiště, square Velké Moravy 2190. Vernissage: Sunday 4/8/2024 at 3:00 p.m.
- 12/4 - 22/5 "Exhibition of
photographs of the Czech Art Photo 2024 photography competition", Faculty
of Management and Economics TUB, Mostní 5139, Zlín link
- 1/3 - 28/3 "MAKRO 2024" - exhibition of FB group Foto - Líšeň in Malá Galeria LíPa, Jírova 2, Brno - Líšeň
- 27/7 - 31/8 "CMP Club Exhibition", Culture House Letovice as part of the Festival 3+1 Letovice
- 11/7 - 18/7 "BIFA 2022 Winners Exhibition", House of Lucie Gallery, Budapest link
- 3/6 - 30/6 "Exhibition of
the best photographs of the 21st year of MSMO", Gallery Radost, Havířov
Culture House
- 6/5 - 30/6 "Club
exhibition CMP z.s.", foyer of the Municipal Theatre, Český Krumlov link
- 31/3 - 5/6 "Club
exhibition CMP z.s.", Jewish synagogue, Dolní Kounice
- release of a limited series of
A3 size wall Calendar 2023 for AudioNIKA and MED-EL
- exhibitions with the Club of
Moravian Photographers z.s. (CMP) in Dolní Kounice and Letovice
- photo exhibition of the association Foto - Líšeň, z.s. entitled "The world through the eyes of the inhabitants Líšeň", Worker¨'s house, Klajdovská 28, Líšeň link video
- outdoor photo exhibition of the Foto -
Líšeň association, z.s. "Líšeň with our eyes", Masarova Business
Center, Líšeň
- group exhibitions
"Operating room" Vyškov link and Brno link
- "Exhibition of annual
projects and free projects of PhotoGenia students" Brno
- "28 in Poysdorf"
Austria link
- "28 in Mánes" Mánes
Exhibition Hall, Prague link